Moodle: Activities & Resources: LSU Overview
General Information
Activities & Resources in Moodle are the tools and features that you can add to your course as content resources, practice activities, and measurable assessments. The LSU Moodle site contains a list of standard Moodle activities and resources plus additional plug-ins added by the administrator. To add an activity or resource, click "Create learning activity" at the bottom of the course section. To read more about each item, click the information icon:

By default, all activities and resources are shown together in one list. It is possible to favorite an activity or resource by selecting the star icon below the item name. They can be filtered through tabs to show starred items, all items, only activities, or only resources.
ACTIVITIES: An activity is something students can contribute to directly and is usually measurable or grade-eligible. Click on each activity in the list to learn more.
* Contact the Faculty Technology Center for SCORM SUPPORT.
RESOURCES: A resource is something that the instructor provides for students as part of the course materials. There is a wide range of resource types. Click on each resource in the list to learn more.
Need More Help?
For more information on activities and resources, read the following documentation. Note that the documentation does not show the Snap theme, but the functionality of the settings is the same. All links will open in a new window.
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