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This article provides guidance on changing the Instructor of Record (IoR) for courses after an IoR has already been assigned in Workday and a Moodle course is in use. NOTE: This process does not replace contacting the Faculty Technology Center (FTC) for assistance.
Article Id: 20629
Category: Course Setup

Below you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions about Moodle. All Users How can I change or remove my Moodle Profile photo? User profile photos can now be removed or replaced. When a user profile is first...
Article Id: 20453
Category: Course Setup

A grouping is simply a group of groups. Groups can be used to do things like restrict access to certain activities or send Moodle Mail to large subsets of students. However, this can still prove cumbersome with large number of groups containing small number of students each. So groups can be added to groupings and the groupings can then be leveraged as described above. To...
Article Id: 20242
Category: Course Setup

Groups in Moodle allow for filtering students so that work and grades can be accessed separately. Groups can be useful if: You have a course with multiple course sections that have independent projects or content You are co-teaching a course with other instructors and need to view your students grades...
Article Id: 20241
Category: Course Setup

Whether formatted as Topics or Weekly, sections are simply the containers in which course content is organized and stored. New blank teaching courses are create with 10 sections, but you can delete unneeded sections or create new ones as needed. To create a new section, scroll down to the bottom of your Contents left sidebar. The Create a new...
Article Id: 20233
Category: Course Setup

You may need to temporarily hide a section from students while you are in the process of adding or editing its contents. To hide a section, simply navigate to the offending section and click on the open eye icon located in the toolbar just below the name. This icon is a toggle control, so clicking it repeatedly unhides and rehides the section. When the section is in its visible state, the eye...
Article Id: 20234
Category: Course Setup

An instructor may want to control when and under what conditions a student can access specific items in a course. This level of control can be useful in the following scenarios: Students must complete items in a specific order The instructor does not want the students to rush through...
Article Id: 20189
Category: Course Setup

General Information Activities & Resources in Moodle are the tools and features that you can add to your course as content resources, practice activities, and measurable assessments. The LSU Moodle site contains a list of standard Moodle activities and resources plus additional plug-ins added by the administrator. To add an activity or...
Article Id: 20159
Category: Course Setup

When Outcomes are added to a course, Moodle will automatically place the outcomes menu item in the assessment activities’ settings. The outcomes must be added and assigned in order, first at the course level and then at the activity level. To Add Outcomes to the Course: Log in to Moodle and select your course.
Article Id: 20492
Category: Course Setup

Administration Menu The administration block has many of the miscellaneous controls of each course and is accessible from the gear icon in the upper right corner of the course page.
Article Id: 20227
Category: Course Setup