Common Activity Settings: Activity Completion
Activity completion is found in the activity settings which allows an activity to be counted towards the student's progress in the course, which is seen on the course card in My courses and for each Moodle section. It does not have anything to do with the student's grade, although it can use receiving a grade as a trigger to mark the item complete. Other non-graded options to track completion are also available. Access restrictions for other activities or Moodle sections can be set to depend on the completion of a prior activity.

- Completion tracking specifies how the completion of the activity will be indicated:
- Do not indicate activity completion - this activity's completion is not tracked, and will have no effect on course progress. This is ideal for labels or forums used through the term.
- Students can manually mark the activity as completed - students can choose to mark the activity completed, to help them judge their own progress in the course. The accuracy of the course progress percentage is dependent upon whether the student accurately records their progress in each such activity.
- Show activity as complete when conditions are met - this activity's completion is measured by one or more of the following:
- Require view: Student must view this activity to complete it. This does not verify that they read or completed the activity only that the activity was opened.
- Require grade: Student must receive a grade to complete this activity. This is best used for auto graded activities.
- Require grade: Student must submit to this activity to complete it. This is best used for items that will require manual grading.
- Expect completed on - if the Enable box is checked, the date and time of when the activity is expected to be marked completed may be set. This will add a reminder to the My Courses Deadlines area. The completion status will not change based upon the date and time. Completing the activity will not remove the deadline reminder. This option is not available if the Do not indicate activity completion option is chosen. It is recommended to only use this feature when a due date cannot be set.
Need More Help?
For more information on adding and editing an assignment, read the following documentation. Note that MoodleDocs does not show the same Moodle appearance, but the functionality of the settings is the same. All links will open in a new window.
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