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The Course Filter Settings are located on the Administration Menu. These settings contain filter options to control settings such as auto-links. Note: The settings available to you depend on your role and the number of sections you teach. For example, if you teach one section, you will not see the "Splitting" setting. ...
Article Id: 20262
Category: Setting up a Course

The Dates report is a tool that lets the instructor edit all dates for all activities in the course on a single page. To access the Dates report: Click on the Course Administration gear icon and select Reports , then select Dates .
Article Id: 20522
Category: Setting up a Course

While registered students are automatically enrolled into your course, you can manually enroll extra participants, such as a Teaching Assistant or Guest Instructor. To Enroll Extra Participants into Your Course: Click on the Admin icon.
Article Id: 20260
Category: Setting up a Course

The Groups and Groupings management tool allows the view of all current student groups as well as groups of groups ("groupings") and is an exhaustive list. To Access the Groups and Groupings Management Tool: Click the Admin gear to the upper right of your main course page, then expand Users and select ...
Article Id: 20253
Category: Setting up a Course

This feature allows the primary instructor of a course to refresh the enrollment to immediately get the most current list of students enrolled in a Moodle course based on enrollment in the mainframe. Although Moodle rosters are automatically updated as students add/drop a course, it is an overnight process. After Reprocess is used, an instructor must wait a minimum of 1 hour to use the...
Article Id: 20261
Category: Setting up a Course

You can temporarily change your role in a Moodle course to view the course as a student (or other role) might see it. To Switch Your Role: Log on to Moodle and select the course. Go to the gear icon in the upper right corner to access the Course Administration menu.
Article Id: 20240
Category: Setting up a Course