While registered students are automatically enrolled into your course, you can manually enroll extra participants, such as a Teaching Assistant or Guest Instructor.
To Enroll Extra Participants into Your Course:
- Click on the Admin icon.

- Click on Users drop down menu, then select Enrolled Users.

- Click the Enroll Users button. This will open the user search window.

- The “Assign roles” pull-down menu in the top of the window lets you choose the desired role for the participants.

- You can also set a starting date and a duration limit by expanding Enrollment options. If you set a duration limit, the participant will be un-enrolled from your course after the time you designate.

- In the first search field type a name or MyLSU ID (the first part of the person's LSU email address). If you click the Finish enrolling users button, the search window will close without searching.
- When the name of your participant appears in the results box above, click the Enroll button to enroll the person into your course.
**NOTE: If the name of the participant does not appear and you see the message 0 users found, check to ensure you have entered the correct MyLSU ID. If the MyLSU ID is correct, contact the participant and ensure they have logged into the system. Once they log into Moodle/ Community Moodle, their account will be generated and you will be able to add them to your course.
- After you click the Enroll button, your participant will be enrolled in your course. Click the Finish enrolling users button to return to the Enrolled User Page. You may remove a person from your course by clicking on the red X symbol next to their name.
- After you Enroll the User you will need to add them to a group for the section. Click on the pencil next to "No groups"

- From the dropdown choose the section the user is to be added to. Then click on the save icon.

Filtering and searching for users
The filter at the top left of the screen allows for filtering by period of activity, enrollment method, group, role and status:

You can also search users by any of the fields defined in the "Show user identity" setting. Some of the searchable fields, such as username, first name and last name, allow you to use wildcards to represent one or more characters. There are two wildcards:
- % The percent sign represents zero, one, or multiple characters
- _ The underscore represents a single character
(Note: MS Access uses a question mark '?' instead of the underscore '_').
These wildcards can be escaped, if needed, to search users containing them, using a backslash '\':
- A_B will find all the users starting with an A, followed by any character and then B (i.e. AxB or A2B, but not AxxB).
- A\_B will find users starting exactly with 'A_B'.
It is possible to bulk select, edit and delete users who have self enrolled, in a similar way to users who have been enrolled manually.
For more information on enrolling extra participants in a course, read the following documentation from Moodle Docs. Note that the documentation does not show the SNAP Theme, but the functionality of the settings is the same. All links will open in a new window.