results for "access"
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ArcGIS Pro is a suite of geographical and spatial software tools from Esri that allow advanced functions and give access to a wide range of extensions for all types of projects. There are two ways to access Pro, explained in the instructions below. To Access ArcGIS Pro: Method 1: ArcGIS...
Article Id: 20546

To begin creating a lesson activity, you will add one to the course and set up all of the parameters, whether it will be graded, etc. Create a Lesson Log into Moodle, and access your course. Click "Add a learning activity" and select "Lesson." Lesson Settings Appearance : Choose how you want the lesson to appear. Choices include a progress bar,...
Article Id: 20085

A URL (Uniform or Universal Resource Locator) is a link on the internet to a website or online file. Instructors can use the URL resource to provide their students with web links for research, saving the student time and effort in manually typing out the address. The URLS can be displayed in various ways - see the URL resource settings for example, opening in a new window so a student can...
Article Id: 20198

A workshop is an activity in which students can assess each others' submissions before an optional final assessment by the instructor. The settings for this activity determine several factors: when phases begin and end, how each phase is graded, submission and assessment requirements, and so on. There are two stages to the workshop setup: editing settings and editing the phases table. The...
Article Id: 20028

Legislation and Confidentiality of Records The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The F amily E ducational R ights and P rivacy A ct of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student “education records.” “Education records” are defined, with a few exceptions, as records containing information directly related...
Article Id: 6644

Guest Accounts for Wireless Connectivity An LSU NetGuest account is required to provide guests on LSU campus with internet access via Guest Wireless. The NetGuest account does not provide access to any other campus resource. Any full-time member of the LSU Faculty or Staff may request a NetGuest Account in order for a campus visitor to be able to access the LSU guest wireless network...
Article Id: 5979

General Information The VMware Academic Program (VMAP) is a comprehensive usage program designed specifically for the academic community. In addition to free licenses for instruction and research, VMware also provides academic institutions and affiliated...
Article Id: 9594

Category Name Description Reporting Timeframe CAT 0 Exercise/Network Defense Testing This category is used during state, federal, national, international exercises and approved activity testing of internal/external network defenses or responses. Not Applicable; this category is for each agency's internal use during exercises.
Article Id: 6991

General Information SolidWorks is a 3D modeling program used by the Mechanical Engineering department at LSU. SolidWorks allows the user to easily produce parts, assemblies, and drawings of object in either 3D or 2D. Availability Available ON-CAMPUS in the Public Access Labs. For more information on these Labs, see: Public Access Computer Labs: LSU Overview. ...
Article Id: 7046

To Access the HRM Mandatory Employee Training Programs through the myLSU Portal: 1. Log into myLSU Portal . 2. On the left hand side panel, expand Employee Resources, and click on Mandatory Annual Trainings . 3. The HRM Mandatory Employee Training page will appear, where you can access the annual Cybersecurity, Ethics, Title IX, and Digital...
Article Id: 17642

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