results for "access"
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Security Access Detail - Database Objects Needed Tables: Current_* (move data from MAPP01) Security_Access_Detail Security_Access_SODetai SecurityMap* (move data from MAPP01) Stored Procs: All common to Security Access Detail View: ...
Article Id: 17434

Article Id: 20163

Legislation and Confidentiality of Records The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) The F amily E ducational R ights and P rivacy A ct of 1974, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student “education records.” “Education records” are defined, with a few exceptions, as records containing information directly related...
Article Id: 6644

Data Classification Data at LSU can be classified into three categories (Confidential, Private or Public). Confidential data has a high level of sensitivity. Private data has a moderate level of sensitivity. Public data has a low level of sensitivity. Each category carries a different level of access and reputation risk. PS-124 Data Management outlines the security of data at LSU.
Article Id: 14852

Article Id: 19781

Linux IAAS SLA Introduction This document is to establish the Service Level Agreement for LSU’s Linux-based IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service). Service Availability ITS does not currently guarantee a service availability target but strives to maintain 99.9% availability, excluding pre-established monthly maintenance windows and down time caused by...
Article Id: 17667

When reporting a suspicious e-mail or a potential phishing attempt to ITS, please include the Message Header. The Message Header contains helpful information which can assist e-mail administrators in troubleshooting. Note: The LSU IT Security and Policy (ITSP) Team has deployed Cofense Reporter, an application that provides users the ability to report suspicious e-mails to the ITSP...
Article Id: 14922

Report Phishing E-mails The LSU IT Security and Policy (ITSP) Team has deployed Cofense Reporter, an application that provides users the ability to report suspicious e-mails to the ITSP team quickly and efficiently. The application will be available for all mailboxes automatically without any user intervention. The application is implemented with the University's Office365...
Article Id: 19636

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