results for "lsu"
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General Information All LSU students and employees automatically get a myLSU account to access University services through the myLSU portal. An e-mail address of the format is also automatically generated when the myLSU account is created. Therefore, everyone with a myLSU account also has a address. However, what happens to messages sent...
Article Id: 15215

Starting in summer 2023 and moving forward, the LSU Online Moodle site ( ) will be integrated with the LSU campus Moodle site ( ). This is part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of Moodle sites where faculty, staff, and students instruct and take courses. This will include the following changes: All new LSU Online courses for the First...
Article Id: 20559

General Information Qualtrics is a research and survey software that allows CURRENTLY ENROLLED students, currently active faculty and staff of the LSU A&M, Law Center, and Veterinary Medicine campuses to create, distribute, and analyze robust surveys. Qualtrics products are supported in Safari, Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, and Firefox browsers. Account...
Article Id: 17498

General Information The LSU Shield App is the quickest way to alert LSU authorities in the event of a dangerous situation. Anyone who has a smart phone on LSU's Campus can use the LSU Shield app to quickly and easily send email alerts to the pre-set emergency contacts built into the application. These alerts contain a link with your current location, which makes response time to a...
Article Id: 18630

General Information The mission of the LSU Foundation is to foster private financial support for LSU, the LSU Agricultural Center, the LSU Paul M. Hebert Law Center and the LSU System Office.
Article Id: 12674

To provide continuous improvement and high quality of services regarding all of LSU's software and digital resource acquisition needs, Information Technology Services, in collaboration with the Digital Resource & Content Committee (DRC), IT Governance Council, and Procurement has introduced a streamlined software acquisition process. This process removes redundancies, increases overall...
Article Id: 20508

LSU Libraries: Accessing E-books Via LSU Libraries General Information LSU Libraries offer access to several collections of electronic books, providing fiction & nonfiction works. They also offer resources on technology, education, and mathematics. Electronic Book Collection To Access the LSU Electronic Book Collection: 1. Open the LSU...
Article Id: 487

To Search the LSU Library Using the LSU Catalog: 1. Navigate to the LSU Law Library website. 2. Choose the LSU Catalog tab at the top of the screen. 3. Select what you would like to search - keywords anywhere, author, title, subject, or periodical title. 4. You may also click Advanced Search which will bring up a window with a more...
Article Id: 19061

High Performance Computing (HPC): LSU Overview General Information The High-Performance Computing (HPC) at LSU, or HPC @ LSU, is a joint partnership between LSU's Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) and LSU's Information Technology Services (ITS). We promote scientific computing and technology across all disciplines, enabling education, research, and discovery through the use...
Article Id: 8346

To Schedule a Library Instruction Session or LSU Library Classroom 1. Visit the LSU Libraries website. To Schedule a Library Instruction Session 2. Click the drop down arrow next to Services and select Schedule a Library Instruction Session under Research & Instruction Services . 3. Select the Month and Date for the session, then click on an ...
Article Id: 19038

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