Moodle: Activities & Resources: External Tool: Adding Gradescope in Moodle

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

**PLEASE NOTE: At the end of the 2024 Spring Term (mid-May) the Turnitin Assignment 2 Moodle Activity will no longer be avaliable to add into courses. Turnitin Assignments will continue to work if imported, but we strongly advise recreating the assignments using the new integrated Turnitin plagiarism plugin found in the settings of Moodle's native Assignment, Workshop, Forum, and Quiz activities. See GROK 20591: Moodle Activity Settings: Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin Settings for more information.

Gradescope is a Turnitin tool that allows instructors to grade multiple formats, including handwritten annotation, paper-based submissions, digital submissions, or coding assignments. This tool uses a dynamic rubric that can be created and edited while grading, where any changes to the rubric will apply to previously graded work. It is ideal for grading STEM activities. The AI feature can group similar responses to reduce grading time or allow for bulk grading of similar responses. After grading is complete, instructors can review rubric-level statistics to target their teaching to students' weaker areas.

A note about support: Because the external tool activity links your Moodle course to an external website, troubleshooting most issues encountered in this tool should be done through the Turnitin Gradescope help page. The LSU Faculty Technology Center can assist with any Moodle issues and can work with the tool's support team on Moodle-related gradebook sync concerns.

Adding Gradescope to a Moodle Section

To add Gradescope to your Moodle course, do the following:

  1. Click Create learning activity.
    Create learning activity link in Moodle

  2. Choose External tool from the "All" or "Activities" tabs.
    Selecting the External Tool from the activity chooser

  3. Use the Preconfigured tool dropdown to select Gradescope. The activity name will auto-populate.
    Selecting Gradescope in the external tool list

  4. After selecting Gradescope as the preconfigured tool, click on Select content. The first time you click this in a course, you will be directed to link your Moodle course to "A new Gradescope Course" or "An existing Gradescope Course." If an existing Gradescope course is selected, a dropdown menu will appear with your Gradescope course. Then click Link Course.
    Select content options to connect to a new Gradescope coures or an existing one

    If an existing assignment is selected, a dropdown menu will appear with your Gradescope assignments in your Gradescope course. Then click Link Assignment. The activity name and tool URL will then auto-populate.
    Select or create a Gradescope assignment

    Note that a gradebook item for the Gradescope assignment is automatically created when the external tool is saved.

  5. Update the remaining settings as needed. For help with external tool settings, see Activities & Resources: Add an External Tool.

More Information

Instructors and students can find help with setting up, grading, submitting and other tips for working within Gradescope at the following links:

Instructors may also watch a recording of the recent Gradescope training session provided to LSU.

Support & Training

The Faculty Technology Center (FTC) provides Moodle support by email, by phone, or live through Zoom. For contact information, please see the article Faculty Technology Center: LSU Overview. To connect through Zoom and for further information on support services and training, see the LSU Online & Continuing Education Faculty Resources & Support page.

The FTC also provides just-in-time faculty training opportunities and recorded training sessions. Attending at least one training session for Moodle upgrades is highly recommended. For a comprehensive list of available workshops and recordings, please see the LSU Online & Continuing Education Technology Training page.

1/5/2024 4:36:37 PM