Moodle: Blocks: CPS: Creation & Enrollment Settings
This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
By default, Moodle courses are created 30 days prior to the first day of class and students are enrolled into the course 14 days prior to the first day of class. Instructors can change the timeframe of these processes, up to a limit of 60-days prior to the first day of class.
Note: Only the instructor of record listed on the mainframe can make this change.
To Change Creation & Enrollment Settings:
- Log on to Moodle.
- Click the Creation & Enrollment link in the Course Preferences System block at the bottom of the front page of Moodle.

- Expand menu for the term you would like to adjust. In the text boxes for creation and enrollment, enter numbers for how many days prior to the first day of class you want these processes to take place. For example, if you would like your course(s) to be created 50 days prior to the first day of classes, enter the number 50 in the field under "Days before Creation." The upper limit is 60.
Note: The creation value must be larger than the enrollment value. (For example, if creation is set to 50, set enrollment at a maximum of 49.)

- Choose Save changes near the bottom of the page.
Note: If the Date is within the window of days prior to the first day of class, your course will be created immediately, but student enrollment from the Mainframe is still an overnight process.
To Update Course Creation Default Settings:
Course Options can also be updated in this Course Preferences System. These options apply to all of your new Moodle Courses created in the future.
- Expand the menu for the "Course Creation Settings" and uncheck "Use system defaults."

- Update the following options based on your preferences:
Add a bullet for Force theme. It will let course members force the Snap theme, or allow them to change to another available theme. Default is do not force.
- Force theme -
- This will force users to use the Snap theme in this course, or allow them to change to another available theme.
- The default is Do not force.
- Format -
- Number of sections -
- This indicates the Number of Sections that you want in your course (Either # of Weeks or # of Topics). It does not indicate sections as groupings of students.
- This can be changed to a different numeric value as needed.
- The default value is 10.
- Availability -
- This identifies whether or not the Students enrolled in your course can View the Course.
- This must be changed to "Available to Students" before the enrolled students will be able to see this course in Moodle at the beginning of each semester.
- The default setting is "Not Available to Students".
- Completion Tracking -
- Completion Tracking is a way that you can track which students have completed which Moodle Activities.
- The default setting is "Enabled" &and it can be disabled as needed.
- Click the Save Changes button after all necessary updates are made.
1/9/2024 4:55:34 PM