General Information
ArcGIS is most commonly used for those who depend on accurate geographic information in decision making. ArcGIS allows for easy collaboration and the ability to author data, maps, globes, and models on the desktop to serve them out for use on a desktop, browser, or in the field. It can be divided into four main categories. (1) Asset/date management, which includes systems integration, claims/case management, service/territory area management, and customer management. (2) Planning and analysis of forecasting and risk analysis. (3) Business operations, which includes call center and dispatching, monitoring and tracking, field data collection, inspections, maintenance, and routing. (4) Situational awareness, which includes help with decisions and customer/public access.
Pre-Installation Notes
Please contact the ITS Help Desk (helpdesk@lsu.edu) for ArcGIS Server Installation or access to the Business Analysts Desktop and the Business Analysts Online subscription.
Availability at LSU
Available from any location with internet on the LSU VLab ArcGIS Desktop.
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