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Please note : The standard TN3720 application shown below is free through Tigerware upon approval. However, if you wish to install the Lite version for mobile, please see the following article: Install the TN3270 Lite App ...
Article Id: 17079
Category: TN3270 Application

In order to connect to the LSU Mainframe from an iOS Device, you must first download, install, and configure the TN3270 App. Download the TN3270 Lite App for an iOS Device 1. Open the App Store on your Apple...
Article Id: 16750
Category: TN3270 Application

General Information The myProxy Portal was designed to give secure access of the myLSU Portal to the parents or sponsors of LSU Students. Through this system, PAWS ID holders can grant access or a Parent can...
Article Id: 15788
Category: myProxy Portal

Invite Someone to Use myProxy 1. Go to the myProxy website via: ...
Article Id: 15053
Category: Getting Started

Article Id: 15056
Category: Getting Started

General Information If you do not have a MyLSU Account or communityLSU account, you will need to create a communityLSU account. A communityLSU account is an account that you set up using your personal email address. Once you have this account set up, you will be able to log into the myProxy application to pay your student's fee...
Article Id: 15065
Category: Getting Started

To Change myProxy Permissions: 1. Log into myProxy . 2. Click the key icon next to the authorized user to change their permission.
Article Id: 15073
Category: Basic Features

To Remove a Relationship from myProxy: 1. Log in to myProxy with your myLSU account & Password.
Article Id: 15054
Category: Basic Features

Request Access from an LSU Student to Login as Them (Done via a myProxy application) 1. Visit the myProxy application . 2. Enter the MyLSU Account ID for the Student who you are requesting PROXY access from.
Article Id: 15727
Category: Basic Features

This article provides information and descriptions on the services accessible through myProxy. Additional Services: This application allows the myProxy user to select or change additional services selections such as meal plan, parking, health insurance, Tiger Cash, etc. Billing Statement: This...
Article Id: 15786
Category: Basic Features