results for "access"
Results 31-40 of 89
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To Access Indexes and Databases through the myLSU Portal: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Select Library Resources | Databases : 3. After clicking on Indexes and Databases, a new window will open in your browser that will take you to the LSU Libraries...
Article Id: 15693

To Access FilesToGeaux through the myLSU Portal: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Select Computing Services | FilesToGeaux : 3. A new window will open in your browser that will allow you to browse and upload files. See Also: FilesToGeaux: LSU Overview . (FilesToGeaux can be opened directly:
Article Id: 15685

To Access Microsoft Imagine Academy through the myLSU Portal: (*GROK Overview: Microsoft Imagine Academy: LSU Overview . | *TigerWare Entry: *) 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Select Computing Services | Microsoft IT Academy : 3. After clicking on Microsoft Imagine Academy, you will be...
Article Id: 15686

To Access Your Personal Schedule: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Select Registration Services | Personal Schedule. 3. After clicking on Personal Schedule, you will be able to select a semester and a year to view your personal...
Article Id: 15716

To Access Your LSUID through the myLSU Portal: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Select Directory Information from the sidebar at the left, then click LSUID : 3. After clicking on LSUID, your 9 digit LSUID will be displayed.
Article Id: 15670

To Access Your Emergency Contacts through the myLSU Portal: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. At the left hand side menu, select Personal Preferences from the sidebar at the left, then click E mergency Contacts . 3. After clicking on Emergency Contacts, a new window will open in your browser, and you will be able to edit your information by clicking the...
Article Id: 15671

To access LSU Calendar through the myLSU Portal: View the LSU Calendar: Overview 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Select Campus Community | LSU Calendar : 3. After clicking on LSU Calendar, a new window will open on your browser with the calendar...
Article Id: 15680

To Access Ride Share: 1. Although LSU Student Government no longer actively works in partnership with Ride Share, it is still ongoing and accessible through the following link: 2. After clicking on the link above, the Commuter Krewe webpage will open in your browser.
Article Id: 15681

To Access Student Resources: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Click on the Student Resources tab. 3. You will see links for multiple options underneath the categories of Student Life, Student Financials, and Schedule Portlet.
Article Id: 15384

To Access Staff Resources from myLSU, follow the steps listed below: 1. Log into myLSU . 2. Click on the Travel Resources tab. 3. You will see links for the CBT Online Booking System and Vehicle Rental Information.
Article Id: 15385

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