JMP: Installation Instructions (Mac)

To Download JMP on a Mac OS Operating System:

1. Download JMP .zip from TigerWare.

2. Extract the .zip file and click through the following folders:
    JMP,  JMP_Pro,  [version number],  Macintosh,  then select JMP-Install.dmg.

JMP location in folder

    Once verified, a new window will open up with a JMP Pro .pkg file. Double click to open it.

JMP Pro 13 package icon

3. Click Continue to begin the installation.

JMP pro 13 installer introduction

4. Click Continue.

JMP Pro 13 installation location

5. Click Install.

Jmp pro 13 click install to continue with standard installation

6. Click Close when you receive a message, "The installation was completed successfully."

JMP 13 installation complete window

7. The program should now be installed on your computer and can be opened by going into Applications and double-clicking JMP.

8. To activate JMP 18, please send a request to your instructor to export their class list so we may add you to the JMP Portal. If you are a grad assistant, faculty, or staff, please use the following form: IT Service - Tigerware General Inquiry

To activate JMP 17, please see GROK article #17110: JMP: Activation / Reactivation (Mac).


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