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Access to the digitized Louisiana newspapers is provided by the Library of Congress's Chronicling America database. Chronicling America provides access to newspapers from over 30 states. To browse or search Louisiana newspaper titles, "Louisiana" must be selected from the state list on the search screen and/or one or more Louisiana newspaper titles must be selected from the title list....
Article Id: 19115

At the heart of LSU Libraries' mission is the goal of providing access to resources essential for teaching and learning. To that end, the e-textbook initiative provides students with quick access to course materials available for free through LSU Libraries. It also provides instructors with an easy-to-use search tool to identify e-books that the Libraries either already owns or can purchase for...
Article Id: 19024

Universities create and consume copyrighted materials of all kinds as a matter of course. Faculty and staff routinely author copyright-able works as part of their teaching, research, and community outreach roles. Conversely, these roles rely upon being able to use other people's copyrighted materials. Copyrighted works are both the fuel and the product of universities. To Access...
Article Id: 19143

LSU Libraries Digital Services began with digitization efforts in the Special Collections department as early as 1991. Current digitization efforts are project-driven and programmatic. The department serves other Libraries' departments and community partners. The Digital Services department develops digital collections and projects to enhance scholarship and research, to increase...
Article Id: 19140

At the heart of LSU Libraries' mission is the goal of providing access to resources essential for teaching and learning. To that end, the e-textbook initiative provides students with quick access to course materials available for free through LSU Libraries. It also provides instructors with an easy-to-use search tool to identify e-books that the Libraries either already owns or can purchase...
Article Id: 19023

The Reserve Desk houses material instructors require their students to read during a regular semester. This can include such materials as library books, tapes, and the professor's personal books on Reserve for their students. To borrow an item on reserve, please come to the Access Services desk with the call number, professor’s name, course name or number, or book title. An LSU ID is...
Article Id: 19027

Access Newspaper Histories from the DLNP Library: 1. Navigate to the LSU DLNP Library web page. 2. Select Newspaper Histories from the DLNP Resources section on the left-hand side navigation panel. 3. This link will bring you to the Newspaper Histories webpage. Select Read History to the right of a link to open up more information. ...
Article Id: 19106

To Access the LSU Library Digital Scholarship Lab: 1. Navigate to the LSU Libraries page. 2. Under the Services category at the top of the screen, select Digital Scholarship Lab. 3. The Digital Scholarship Lab page should open up. It gives a general description along with contact information. Referenced from: LSU...
Article Id: 19135

To Access LSU Library Instructional Services: 1. Navigate to the LSU Online Library web page. 2. Under the Services tab at the top of the screen, you will see Research & Instruction Services options. 3. Click on any of these options to see information for reserving a LSU Library classroom, scheduling a library instruction session, and contacting the...
Article Id: 19137

The LSU Libraries provides support for journal publishing to LSU faculty members who edit journals or serve on editorial committees and boards. The Libraries can help LSU faculty members establish journals, or migrate existing E-journals, and make them freely available. To Access E-Journal Hosting Information through the LSU Library: 1. Navigate to the LSU Libraries web page.
Article Id: 19142

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