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Set-up Next Generation Sync Client on Mac OS X: 1. Open the Terminal window on your machine. 2. In the Terminal, type: defaults write DefaultToBusinessFRE -bool True 3. In that same terminal, type: defaults write EnableAddAccounts -bool True 4. Next, open OneDrive by hitting cmd +...
Article Id: 18083

Installing OneDrive for Business on a Mac OS X Operating System: 1. Open the App Store. 2. Once the App Store opens, find the top right corner of the page for the Search Bar and type OneDrive. Press Enter. 3. Locate the OneDrive app from the search list and click on it. 4. To install the app, click Get. The get icon will...
Article Id: 17971

Notes: To avoid potential account problems, please access your OneDrive for Business account via a web browser prior to using a OneDrive Desktop Sync application (or an application that syncs with OneDrive for Business). The OneDrive Desktop Sync application is automatically downloaded in Windows 8 and 10 devices. The OneDrive Desktop Sync application is included in...
Article Id: 17747

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