**PLEASE NOTE: All exam sessions will be created at the LSU Baton Rouge ProctorU site. If you previously had an account with ProctorU as an LSU Online or ODL instructor, you must create a new account on the LSU Baton Rouge site and create all new exam sessions there. Previous exam sessions created on other sites will not be transferred.
This page contains information instructors need for using ProctorU online proctoring services for LSU courses. Use the following links to quickly navigate this page.
Get further help for students in GROK 20565 Information for Students.
ProctorU Syllabus Statement
In order to use ProctorU or another remote proctoring service, students must be informed of costs in advance at the point of registration (LSU has applied a notification to students on the fee bill) and in the course syllabus. Students should also be aware of the technical requirements to test using ProctorU's Guardian browser. Below is a suggested syllabus statement:
ProctorU will/may be utilized for testing in this course. This service enables remote proctors employed by ProctorU to view your personal computer’s screen, webcam, and audio for academic integrity. Additionally, there is a cost for this service. LSU does not receive any portion of this cost. Please visit GROK 20563 ProctorU: Overview and GROK 20565 ProctorU: Information for Students for more information on privacy, scheduling, and what to expect on exam day.
Below are the exams/quizzes for this course and the ProctorU cost for each exam:
[List each exam/quiz and the ProctorU cost based on type, then a total of the ProctorU costs for the course]
Also consider including any other ProctorU links you find helpful.
ProctorU Proctoring Services
ProctorU offers three proctoring services prices and information are as follows:
Live+ (Student Pay $15.00) |
Review+ (Student Pay $6.00) |
Record+ (Student Pay $6.50) (in Moodle) |
- Solution for high-stakes exams and assessments
- ProctorU website exam setup
- Students are required to schedule in advance
- Proctors provide continuous live-session monitoring
- AI software assisting live proctors
- Proctors take active intervention if misconduct occurs
- Suspicious behavior is reported for faculty to review
- For more information view the ProctorU Live+ page
- Solution for low- to mid-stakes exams and quizzes
- ProctorU website exam setup
- Students are required to schedule in advance
- Proctors provide launch and post-session review
- AI software monitoring
- Proctors review all potential misconduct occurrences after session ends
- Suspicious behavior is reported for faculty to review
- For more information view the ProctorU Review+ page
- Solution for low-stakes exams/quizzes
- ProctorU Browser extension and Moodle quiz setup
- Students are not required to schedule in advance
- Proctors provide post-session review
- AI software launch and monitoring
- Proctors review all potential misconduct occurrences after session ends
- Suspicious behavior is reported for faculty to review
- For more information, view the ProctorU Record+ page
Please note that scheduling fees may apply for the Live+ and Review+ service lines if students schedule within 72 hours of the exam window. These fees are as follows:
- Take It Soon: allows test-takers to schedule a test 24–72 hours prior to the selected test time and incurs an additional fee of $8.00 USD
- Take It Now: allows test-takers to schedule a test fewer than 24 hours prior to the selected test time and incurs an additional fee of $12.00 USD
If you have decided on Live+ or Review+, then follow the instructions below to add the exam to ProctorU. If you have decided on Record+, please see GROK 20432 ProctorU Record+.
Selecting Your Program and Proctoring Type
When creating your exam in ProctorU, selecting the department will determine the type of proctoring, the price of each exam, and reporting for each program. You will see the following options in the Department dropdown menu. NOTE: To use the Record+ service, you must create the exam in Moodle and enable the Record+ tool there. For more information, see Moodle: ProctorU Record+.

Making the right selection involves two considerations:
- Select whether you are teaching an LSU Online course, LSU campus course, or Online Distance Learning (ODL) course based on your course’s program. For reporting purposes, please adhere to the following:
Department |
Scenario |
On-campus course |
Course contains only students in a campus program, taught in LSU Moodle |
LSU Online course |
Course contains only LSU Online program students, taught in LSU Moodle
Course contains LSU Online program students and possibly students cross-enrolled from a campus course, taught in LSU Moodle
Course contains LSU Online program students and is cross-enrolled to CE Moodle (may also include campus students) |
Course contains only ODL program students in CE Moodle |
- On the ProctorU site, select either the Live+ or Review+ proctoring type. Be sure to select the department that lists the program to which your course belongs. See ProctorU Proctoring Services above for more information on these proctoring types.
Adding an Exam to ProctorU
The following information will help you add an exam to the ProctorU site. Before starting this process, make sure your institution is Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. Then, follow the steps below.
Best Practice: We recommend that you enter exams into the ProctorU platform at the beginning of the term and encourage your students to schedule well before the start of the exam window. This gives students enough time to schedule their exam appointment and helps ProctorU plan capacity needs appropriately. All appointments are on a first-come, first-serve basis, so students should schedule as soon as possible to secure an exam time.
To set up an exam for Review+ or Live+:
- Log in to ProctorU.
- On your home page, click the blue “Add New” button in the top right corner and select “Exam.” This will navigate you to another page where you can enter the exam details. Enter your exam details.
- Fill in the required information (asterisked) plus the following items:
- Exam Title: This is the exam name that will display and will appear in searches when students look for the exam in ProctorU. Please use the naming convention: Program_Full Moodle Course Name_Final Exam As Displayed in Moodle or Program_Year Term Dept Number for Instructor_Exam Name.
- Examples:
- LSU Online_2023 First Fall MATH 1021 for Mike Smith_Final Exam
- LSU_2023 Fall MATH (B) 1021 for Mike Smith_Midterm
- LSU ODL_2023 First Fall MATH 1021 for Mike Smith_Final Exam
- Department: This will determine the type of proctoring service and thus the price that students will pay (see Selecting Your Program and Proctoring Type above).
- Instructors: Add yourself and other instructors if needed.
- Duration: This field is for entering the duration of the exam given in minutes (E.g., 2 hours is equivalent to 120 minutes).
- Exam URL: This is the URL where the exam is hosted. For many exams, this will be a Moodle Course URL. This could also be a publisher site.
- Exam Password: This is the password that unlocks the specific exam in Moodle set under Extra restrictions on attempts or set on a publisher site.
- Permitted Resources: Please check all resources that test-takers are allowed to use during the exam. If no resources are permitted, check the box labeled, “No Resources Allowed.” In "Other resources” specify any allowed resources not previously indicated.
- Additional Exam Notes: Please enter any other information necessary to proctor this exam successfully, such as details about scratch paper (including destroying at the end of exam), calculator models, special third-party site instructions (e.g., publisher sites), and prohibited items.
- Contact Information for Exam Issues: Enter your name and contact information in the event a test-taker experiences an issue that cannot be resolved by the test-taker or the proctoring staff. You should try to be available for the duration of the exam window.
- Exam Windows: The block of time when an exam should be available for test-takers to schedule a session with ProctorU.
NOTE: The exam window in the ProctorU Platform is different from the exam window entered into Moodle. The minimum exam window allowed is 1 hour and we can support 300 students during that time.
- First Appointment: This is the first time a test-taker can schedule to start an exam. NOTE: This will match the time the exam is set to open in Moodle.
- Last Appointment: This is the last time a test-taker can start an exam (Not the deadline to finish).
NOTE: As a best practice to find the last appointment time, subtract the exam duration and add an hour for a buffer. E.g. If the exam is set to close at 8 PM in Moodle and the exam is 60 minutes long, the last appointment should be 6 PM.
- Click “Submit for Review.”
NOTE: A notification will be sent to the ProctorU support team letting them know that you have a pending exam for review. They will determine whether all information meets standards of best practice and activate the exam. Please give the support team 24–72 hours to activate the exam.
Student Accommodations
When you receive an accommodations request from a test-taker who has provided an Accommodation Letter from Disability Services, you will need to submit an accommodation request through ProctorU.
Exams through Moodle, MyMathLab, or other online testing platforms and proctored by ProctorU:
Set the amount of time (including the extended time if approved as an accommodation though Disability Services) in the exam platform and submit the ProctorU Accommodation Request Form prior to the scheduled exam(s) with the information below.
Exams through LSU Testing & Evaluation Services QuestionMark Perception and proctored by ProctorU:
Submit the ProctorU Accommodation Request Form and email otes-testing@lsu.edu prior to the scheduled exam(s) with the information below. (Note: LSU Testing & Evaluation Services will set the amount of time for the exam.) In the menu for "How can we help?", select the option Accommodation Request - *For Faculty/Exam Provider use only.* The form requires the following information:
- The email address attached to your account
- Test-taker's first and last name
- Test-taker's ProctorU email address
- The name of the exam facilitator, or the person in charge of creating and managing exam content (most often the faculty member)
- The course name and exam name
- Whether this is an ADA accommodation
- The accommodation type (see list below for options)
- All testing accommodations listed on the student's accommodation letter, if not in the list below
- More details about the request if necessary
- Any files you wish to upload with the request
In the form, you can choose from the following list of testing accommodations. Please be aware that if you do not see your accommodation on this list, you will need to select "Other" and add more under "Details of your request":
- Use of headphones/earbuds/earplugs
- Screen magnifier
- Permitted background noise such as radio or television
- Text to speech programs (Officially supported: JAWS, VoiceOver for Mac, Narrator for Windows)
- Food/drink permitted
- Speaking/reading aloud
- Restroom breaks
- Speech to text programs (extension-based programs may not be supported)
- Personal external medical device(s)
- Human assistant during exam (such as scribe or reader)
- Additional exam time (proctor will refer to time on LMS)
- Other
*Please note that if there are other testing accommodations that are not on the list, LSU Disability Services will notify the faculty.
All accommodations should be submitted at least 72 hours in advance of the test taker's exam.
ProctorU does not need any information about the test-taker's disability or reasoning for why an accommodation is requested.
Direct Links to Exams
Once your exam is approved, you may send your students a direct link to ensure that they select the correct exam. To do this, open your exam record by clicking on the exam name in ProctorU. In the top section, called “Profile,” click on the Open Invite icon to copy the URL:

You may then paste the URL into your Moodle course site or in direct email communication to students.
Menus and Reporting
To find information about your students’ test-taking activities, click on the menu items to see scheduled exams, session data for exams that are pending or have already been taken, user information, and reports. Explore these items to track your students’ activity. Looking at exam sessions, including recordings and chat records, can provide valuable information when investigating possible academic integrity concerns.
For more information on using these tools, ProctorU offers an ongoing training webinar for seasoned instructors using Live+. Register for this webinar here: ProctorU 202 Faculty Training.
Academic Misconduct
In the case of a suspected academic integrity concern, ProctorU will flag the incident and issue an incident report, which is sent to the person listed as the contact in the exam information. You can then investigate the report by reviewing exam session data.
If you receive an incident report, and after review, believe there is a possible academic integrity concern, you will need to report the incident to Student Advocacy & Accountability for a possible violation of the LSU Code of Student Conduct. For information on this process, review the page Understanding Academic Integrity at LSU Student Advocacy & Accountability. Use the Academic Misconduct Reporting Form to report any possible violations of the LSU Code of Student Conduct.
For more information, visit the ProctorU website for help with the following topics: