TurningPoint: Instructor FAQs (Account/Software)

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Frequently Asked Questions - Instructor (Account/Software)

Turning Point logo

**NOTICE: Due to the merger of Echo360 and Turning, the information in this article may be undergoing revision. We recommend visiting the PointSolutions Support and Resources page for the latest updates.


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1. Why should I use clickers in my classroom?

More than half of all U.S. colleges and universities have successfully implemented TurningPoint clickers. With years of research across disciplines, student demographics, class size and institution size, student response is supported as a beneficial active learning solution.

Clickers and Mobile ResponseWare allow students to be actively engaged in the class and provide immediate feedback to the instructors.

[Return to Turning Account/TP Software FAQ's]


2. Why do I need to create a Turning Account?

A Turning Account is required for the safety and security of your data. All information is encrypted and associated to you as a person. Without a Turning Account, you will not be able to open and login to the TurningPoint software. You can create an account by going to https://instructor.turningtechnologies.com 

[Return to Turning Account/TP Software FAQ's]

3. Why do my students need to have a Turning Account and Subscription?

Students need to have an account and purchase a subscription in order for their clicker to register responses that are tracked for participation and grades. This also allows instructors to run reports from their sessions with student responses. All students must register for a Turning Account within your Moodle course. They can purchase a subscription from either the LSU Bookstore or the TurningPoint Online Store.

To learn how to add the link to your course, see: Adding the Turning Account Registration link to your Moodle course

[Return to Turning Account/TP Software FAQ's]

4. How do I set up a Turning Account?

An article has been created to assist you with this process: Instructor - Create Account, Download, & Install

Create account button at the bottom left


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5. How do I reset my Turning Account password?

On the Turning Account page, enter your email address and password and Sign In. You will then see the Forgot Password link. Click it, then enter your email and select Reset Password. An email will be sent to you with additional instructions. If you do not see an email please check your clutter or junk folder. 

**Important - When entering in a password, DO NOT enter in your LSU password, choose a different password.**

Forgot your password link underneath the password box at the right


[Return to Turning Account/TP Software FAQ's]

6. Do instructors need to purchase a license?

Instructors do not need a license.

[Return to Turning Account/TP Software FAQ's]
7. How do I download the software on my personal computer?

An article has been created to assist you with this process: Instructor - Create Account, Download, & Install

Power Point, Anywhere, and Self-Paced Polling with respective Start Now buttons

[Return to Turning Account/TP Software FAQ's]


8. What do I do if I cannot get my slideshow to show the poll or if the app is freezing on questions for students?

     1. When you open the software (TurningPoint) click on the gear at the bottom right of the screen.

Settings button at bottom right hand of screen


  1. Click on the PowerPoint tab on the left side.

PowerPoint tab under preferences


        3. Scroll down to the bottom to Slide Rendering. On the drop down menu if it says Windows Image, please change to Slide Export. If your setting is set to Slide Export, then change to Windows Image.

Changing Windows Image to Slide Export or vice versa


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If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Faculty Technology Center at (225) 578-3375, option 2 or email ftc@lsu.edu.



4/5/2024 9:09:48 AM