SPSS Amos 23: Installation Instructions

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Installation Instructions for SPSS Amos (v23) 

1. Login to TigerWare.

2. After logging in, make sure SPSS Amos 23 is selected under the version category and double-click the SPSS Amos 23 file.

downloading spss amos 23 on tigerware

3. Once the download is finished, open the Installer in your download folder. (Named SPSS_Amos_23_win32.exe)

installation file for spss amos 23

4. The Installation should appear. Select Site License in the middle then click Next at the bottom corner.

Installation wizard pop-up window, click next

5. Read over the license agreement, click "I accept the terms in the license agreement", then click Next again.

accept the terms of service pop-up window

6. Enter your myLSU username (for the User Name) and enter LSU (for the Organization).  Then click Next.

customer information box pop-up window

7. Change the destination folder if necessary, and then select Next.

destination folder options

8. Click Install to finish the installation.

Installation box pop-up window

9. A completion screen should appear. Amos should now be installed.


Resources: ibm.comutexas.edu

2/27/2024 7:42:44 AM