ITS Service Desk: LSU Overview

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
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General Information

The ITS Service Desk (previously "Help Desk") is the primary customer interface for information, access, and assistance related to technology services provided by our university. ITS Service Desk is committed to offering an exceptional support experience for the campus community and is ready to assist faculty, staff, and students with any information technology services. The Service Desk can be contacted through various distinct avenues.


Eligibility & Delivery Time


Available To: LSU Faculty, Students, Staff, Prospective Students, Alumni, Retirees, and Affiliates.

Delivery Time: 1-6 Business Days.

To Request Assistance

1. Fill out and submit a Service Request or Incident Report.

2. E-mail the Service Desk at

3. Chat Online with a Service Desk Analyst

It is called a "Remote Program" because Service Desk Analysts, ONLY with the permission of you, the customer, can remotely view the desktop you are viewing and share control of the keyboard and mouse in order to guide you to solve your issue. This Live & Hands-On troubleshooting approach is provided by the ITS Service Desk. The technology used to allow this service is called Bomgar: Secure Remote Support Software.

4. Visit the Service Desk in the Fred Frey Computing Services Center in the center of the first floor.

  • Fred Frey is located a few streets east of Tureaud Hall, right next to the LSU Dairy Store across Tower Drive. (Or, follow Tower Drive south from the Union!) See the location on Google Maps, or on the LSU Campus Maps.

5. Visit the Service Desk in LSU Library 141, in the center of the room. It is past the Research Help Desk. 

6. Call 225-578-3375 (578-DESK).


Contact Information

ITS Service Desk
225-578-3375 (578-DESK)

  • Customers can still report emergencies and outages 24/7. You will be given the option to contact the Network Operations Center (NOC) when the Service Desk is not open.

  • *** ITS Service Desk is closed on all LSU Home Games.

Frey Computing Services Center: (On the corner of S. Stadium and Tower Drive)

Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Location in: Google Maps or LSU Campus Maps

LSU Library 141 (Information Commons) Hours:

LSU Policy Statements

LSU Policy Statements

12/19/2023 2:37:38 PM