Network Registration: LSU Overview

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.
GROK Overview Banner

General Information

University Networking & Infrastructure (UNI) utilizes the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to manage the IP addresses across campus. All computers on campus must be registered through our DHCP Network Registration application. After connecting your computer to the network for the first time, or after replacing your Ethernet card, open a web browser. You should be automatically forwarded to the registration page. If you are not, then point your browser to

Students, faculty, and staff are allowed five concurrent registrations. Registrations are good for one year and can be managed by the end-users through the website. You are allowed to view and delete registrations using this interface.

Eligibility & Order Procedures

Available To:
  • LSU Faculty, Students, & Staff with a valid MyLSU ID.
  • Visitors to LSU will need to contact their LSU Sponsor (Faculty or Staff Member) to receive a Temporary ID. Temporary IDs can be created online with NetGuest. The netguest site will not work from off campus
Register a Workstation:
  • Log in to (Use your MyLSU ID & MyLSU Password)
    • It IS NOT Necessary to Register your computer if you are only using the Wireless Network. (eduroam or lsuguest)
    • It IS Necessary & IS Required that you Register your computer in order to connect to the Wired Network. (RJ-45 or Ethernet cable & LSU Domain)
    • Consult our FAQ section below if you are experiencing issues.
Delivery Time:
  • You will receive Access to the Registration Site immediately when you connect to the LSU.EDU Network
  • You will receive Access to the Entire LSU Network once your device is Successfully Registered.

The device registration portal will only allow logins of user accounts with 3 characters or more. Any user with a username of two characters or less will need to put in an incident request for a new sponsored account using three characters or more. Once a user has a sponsored account created, they will be able to use the device registration portal to register devices and manage registrations.

Customers in the Edward Gay Apartments

As of July 7, 2021 the LSU Eduroam wireless network is now available at Edward Gay Apartments. To gain access to the new internet service:

1. Unplug your personal wi-fi routers from both the power outlet and the data port. It is important to unplug the power cable so your router does not continue to broadcast and interfere with the community’s wireless internet connection.

2. Plug the new wireless access point (AP) into the wall using the included cable (blue circle in photo). Any attempts to remove the included cable from the access point device or from the wall will result in damage to the access point.

Photo example of wireless access point connected to wall and correct port to plug in device circled


3. Let the access point boot up. This usually takes about 15 minutes.

4. When the access point is done booting up, the colored light indicator on the access point will turn off. Note that there will still be some blinking lights on the bottom of the access point to show that the connection is active.

5. Now the access point is active and ready for use.

  • You should see eduroam as an active wireless network on your devices. You can sign into eduroam with your LSU credentials.
  • You can now plug in the device you want to use on a wired connection into the green-marked port. There should be a green label on the device identifying the correct port. Refer to the green circle in the photo above.
    • Any device capable of being connected via ethernet/LAN cable should use this port, especially computers and game consoles. These devices must be registered on the Device Registration Portal (DRP), just like when you registered your router for the first time.
  • Only one port is active on the access point. The other two, marked with red X’s on the photo above, are inactive.

Since you are now on the LSU wireless network, you should not reconnect any wireless routers, switches, hubs, etc. to the green-labeled port as these devices are not allowed on LSU’s network. Any other devices that can connect wirelessly should be connected to the eduroam wireless network.

  • Wireless devices like smart TVs, Rokus, Firesticks, etc. should be registered on the LSU IOT network starting July 7. The LSU IOT wireless network gives you three (3) extra registrations to connect smart devices that couldn’t connect to eduroam wireless. However, if your device is capable of connecting to eduroam (computers, phones, game consoles via LAN cable), it should be connected to eduroam, not LSUIOT. Game consoles should NOT be connected to LSUIOT.

The Residential Life HelpDesk can help with any setup or troubleshooting questions regarding network registration of your device(s). If you need to contact the Res Life IT Help Desk, email or call 225-578-0560.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Register a Computer for the Very First Time?

Instructions for registering a computer can be found in the GROK article: Bluecat Device Registration Portal: Register Your Computer

Why Do I Have to Register my Computer?

A network registration is generally only required once every year for each computer on the network. Once a machine is registered, it may be moved to other areas of the University simply by plugging it in. DHCP, by the nature of the protocol, is very insecure. By associating a valid user with each machine on campus, we are helping keep anonymity to a minimum.

What if I am a Guest or Campus Visitor?

Even guests must register. You need to contact a faculty or staff member in order for a guest account to be created through this link. Only faculty and staff are allowed to create guest accounts. These accounts are only good for 1 week.

Will this Change the way I use my Computer?

No. In most cases, it won't affect the day-to-day use of your computer. After the initial registration, you shouldn't notice that network registration exists.

Will my IP Address Change?

Once registered with the network registration system, your computer will be assigned a LSU IP Address every time it is turned ON. There is a chance that this IP Address will change periodically, depending on the number of other devices connected to the network simultaneously.

The network registration system allows you to track computers on the University LSU.EDU Network through its host name. After you Register, your computer will be assigned a unique Name based on your participation in the LSU Active Directory or your local computer/device name plus   

  • If your computer IS a member of the Active Directory & has a Computer Name of otc-johnsmith... then your hostname will be

  • If your computer IS NOT a member of the Active Directory... then it will be assigned a Computer Name based on your device’s hostname / computer name.

  • If your hostname / computer name is mikethetiger & your computer IS NOT a member of the Active Directory... then your hostname will be

  • The registered hostname will stay with the computer, no matter where the computer is located in the university.

I Already Registered this Computer, Why Do I have to Register it Again?

Registration is required to be initially connected to the network and each computer must be re-registered on an annual basis. If you are being asked to register earlier than usual, consider the following possibilities:

  • Has your registration Expired?

  • Is it possible that you have been unregistered from the system?

  • There may have been a change to your networking interface.  Have you completed any recent hardware Upgrades or Repairs?

What can fix a "404" page when trying to register my device?

Please try using an incognito/private window in your browser, or open either Chrome, Firefox, or Edge to register if you normally use a non-standard web browser and are having issues.

How do I Setup my Computer to use Bluecat?

The Service Desk will be able to advise you of the correct network settings when initially registering the computer. Generally, it is sufficient to the let the computer automatically determine all network settings (including IP address and DNS servers). The settings automatically provided depend on the current location of the computer, and could change every time the computer is turned on. Unless the computer is being used for a very special purpose, these changes will not have any effect on the way you currently use your computer.

Which Devices Does Bluecat Support?

Bluecat is designed to allow maximum flexibility in support various devices on the LSU.EDU network. Almost all computers, and most other networking devices (such as printers, IP telephones, smart TVs, etc) should work flawlessly with Bluecat. The ITS Service Desk is able to assist you in configuring Bluecat and to work with your device.

What Happens After I Reach my Limit of Allowed Registrations?  (ex. If you manage multiple lab computers.)

A student, faculty, or staff member is allowed 5 registrations. If you have reached your limit you must call the Service Desk at 8-3375 to have them remove old registrations. If you need more than 5, such as in a lab situation, you need to contact your department’s Technology Service Professional (TSP) to add the machine to the BlueCat Address Manager. The Service Desk will be able to help give the contact information of your department’s Technology Service Professional (TSP) if needed.

How do I manually Renew my Device's Current Registration?

Log into Bluecat with your MyLSU ID and MyLSU Password. First, click the Delete button on the device to manually remove the desired registration. Secondly, if you are logged into Bluecat from the computer you are trying to renew, please click the Detect button next to the MAC Address field. Add a Description and Device Type in the next two fields, and then click on the Register button. You may click on the Refresh Registered button to get an updated list of devices registered with your account. If you are not logged into the device that you wish to register you may register any device by manually typing the desired device’s MAC address into the MAC Address field, adding a Description, selecting the Device Type, and clicking the Register button.


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