TigerWare: Apple Institutional Purchasing (LSU-Owned Computers)
There may be broken links in this article, the GROK staff has been notified and is working to resolve the issue.
General Information
NOTE: These instructions are for LSU Institutional Purchases, as LSU-owned computers.
IMPORTANT: Departments are to purchase Apple products through the CDW-G supplier website in Workday. Only if CDW-G indicates in writing that the items cannot be provided are departments able to submit a non-catalog requisition to purchase directly from Apple via Apple's Online Education Store.
To make a Personal Purchase with a personal credit card, please visit this GROK article: Apple Purchasing: Individual Purchases.
Steps to Purchase:
1. Access Apple Product Purchasing one of two ways:
Method 1:
- Open the Apple Hardware & Software Pricing for LSU TigerWare Entry.
- Log in with your MyLSU ID and Password in order to view the Download Section of the entry.
- Click the https://ecommerce.apple.com/asb2b/fys.do?language=EN&country=US link, located under Available For Download.
- If you have any questions, please contact Apple at 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-698-7753).
Method 2:
- Go directly to the LSU Educational Purchasing Website.

- Log in with your Apple ID & Apple ID Password.
- Select the product(s) that you would like to purchase and click Add to Cart.

- Once you have completed adding things to your cart, click Check Out.

- Review your cart and confirm that the items are correct.
- Click the Create Proposal button to send the proposal to the Apple agent.
- Click Purchase with PCard to continue your purchase with a PCard.

- If the above steps do not work, please try the alternate Apple Educational Store method in the following article: Apple Hardware & Software: Purchase for Institutional Use (LSU Owned).
Referenced from: http://www.apple.com
4/1/2024 12:32:14 PM